Charmhotel has 18 establishments and as many destinations to discover: a rich and unique heritage for each stay, different and enchanting landscapes, varied activities to recharge your batteries... Each trip is different but the quality of the welcome remains the same, friendly and attentive.
Thanks to the diversity of our regions and establishments, customers enjoy a new experience every time they travel.
Sea, mountains, castles, volcanoes, ocean, forest, countryside... There are so many holiday ideas.
Whatever the season, you can find a stay in one of our independent hotel-restaurants.
Charmhotel offers a wide range of options for tailor-made holidays in France or Quebec.
Our hoteliers are also restaurateurs, so don't forget them for your Stop Lunch!
For your driver and your group, enjoy a friendly, gourmet break before getting back on the road, while keeping to the timetable.